From this meeting, research and tech- nical expertise enabled Thermanence to patent the method for collecting the plankton, the thermal spring water ex- traction and finally the incorporation of the 2 main active ingredients (water and plankton) in its formulas.
By adding essential vitamins and pre- cious oils to this micro-organism with its soothing, regenerative, protective and immunomodulating properties, the Ther- manence laboratory was able to control this concentrated source of energy to li- berate its beneficial properties to treat even the most sensitive skin.
Convinced that hyperthermal spring water and thermal plankton had not revealed all their secrets, the Therma- nencedermabiological laboratory set up a research team in the unique and ex- traordinaryPyrénéesOrientales region of France. The local, targeted action of the team made it possible to develop new formulas, making the benefits of Na- ture accessible to a greater number of people through a range of timeless, mul- ti-generational treatments.
Convinced that hyperthermal spring water and thermal plankton had not revealed all their secrets, the Thermanence dermabiological laboratory set up a research team in the unique and extraordinary PyrénéesOrientales region of France

Dermabiological treatments
Dermabiology is a term that is specific to Thermanence, its combines dermatology and biology for the most sensitive skins. Thermanence focused its attentions on this branch of science, by using the living to benefit the living, as intended by nature.
By meeting the needs of specific skin types and by concentrating on the study of living beings and materials, the name "Laboratoire Dermobiologique" was patented and quite naturally became Thermanence's signature.
Dermabiological treatments are specially formulated to meet the needs of cutaneous pathologies by combining security and efficacy. The extraction and incorporation of micro-organisms, and mastering the formulation in accordance with rigorous testing, form the basis of Thermanence skincare treatments.